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Average Ratings for Cache OC11A90

These averaged ratings are generated from 1 individual ratings.

Average rating:  H31212   Average difficulty:  one star (1)
      Average terrain:  one starhalf a star (1.5)

Decoded rating:

3 = Distance to cache  = 0.4 miles to 0.6 miles (0.6km to 1km)
1 = Route surface  = Paved/tarmac/smooth
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
1 = Route obstructions  = None
2 = Cache height  = 0ft to 3ft above ground (0cm to 1m)

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Individual Ratings for Cache OC11A90
Rating by Le Dompteur on 19-Aug-2015

Rating:  H31212   Difficulty:  one star (1)
      Terrain:  one starhalf a star (1.5)

Decoded rating:

3 = Distance to cache  = 0.4 miles to 0.6 miles (0.6km to 1km)
1 = Route surface  = Paved/tarmac/smooth
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
1 = Route obstructions  = None
2 = Cache height  = 0ft to 3ft above ground (0cm to 1m)


This rating is equal to: GC61F9T.
It's the same cache! Just listed on two platforms.

You'll have to park your car far away (approx. a mile)! Then it's flat and smooth. The cache lies a few yards beside of the pathwalk in a rural environment. PLEASE take help from your comrade, if it's offered! Then look into the cache - and you might be lucky even more!

- - -

Wenn Ihr mit dem KFZ anreist, erwartet Euch ein Weg von ca. 1,5 km. Ebenerdig, flach mit Gegenwind (wie immer, hier oben ;-)
Der Cache liegt nah am Weg aber immer noch "in Naturschutzgebiet". So daß die Natur Vorrang vor ALLEM hat!
Habt Ihr "Helfer" dabei? Laßt sie Euch den Cache zuwerfen. Schaut 'rein, denkt kurz nach und Ihr wißt, warum Ihr JETZT GERADE HIER SEID!

Happy hunting!

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