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Average Ratings for Cache GC74C97

These averaged ratings are generated from 2 individual ratings.

Average rating:  H24243   Average difficulty:  one starhalf a star (1.5)
      Average terrain:  one starone star (2)

Decoded rating:

2 = Distance to cache  = 500ft to 0.3 miles (150m to 0.5km)
4 = Route surface  = Rocks/sand/mud
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
4 = Route obstructions  = Large branches or tree trunks/thick vegetation
3 = Cache height  = 0ft to 6ft above ground (0cm to 2m)

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Individual Ratings for Cache GC74C97
Rating by Anonymous on 17-Jul-2018

Rating:  H24233   Difficulty:  one starhalf a star (1.5)
      Terrain:  one starone star (2)

Decoded rating:

2 = Distance to cache  = 500ft to 0.3 miles (150m to 0.5km)
4 = Route surface  = Rocks/sand/mud
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
3 = Route obstructions  = Small branches/moderate vegetation/steps
3 = Cache height  = 0ft to 6ft above ground (0cm to 2m)

Rating by MonroeCountyPA_OS on 05-May-2017

Rating:  H24242   Difficulty:  one starhalf a star (1.5)
      Terrain:  one starone star (2)

Decoded rating:

2 = Distance to cache  = 500ft to 0.3 miles (150m to 0.5km)
4 = Route surface  = Rocks/sand/mud
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
4 = Route obstructions  = Large branches or tree trunks/thick vegetation
2 = Cache height  = 0ft to 3ft above ground (0cm to 1m)


The trail is not wheelchair accessible, a natural dirt trail with several fallen trees that need to be stepped over. It is a short walk though, and not steep except for small drop from parking area. The hide will require bending down to reach into hollow trunk.

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