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Average Ratings for Cache GC3JKKD

These averaged ratings are generated from 1 individual ratings.

Average rating:  H15141   Average difficulty:  one starone starone starone starone star (5)
      Average terrain:  one starone starone star (3)

Decoded rating:

1 = Distance to cache  = Less than 500ft (150m)
5 = Route surface  = Rough/bumpy/might need hands
1 = Route slope  = Flat
4 = Route obstructions  = Large branches or tree trunks/thick vegetation
1 = Cache height  = 2ft to 3ft above ground (60cm to 1m)

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Individual Ratings for Cache GC3JKKD
Rating by S-Man42 on 25-Feb-2014

Rating:  H15141   Difficulty:  one starone starone starone starone star (5)
      Terrain:  one starone starone star (3)

Decoded rating:

1 = Distance to cache  = Less than 500ft (150m)
5 = Route surface  = Rough/bumpy/might need hands
1 = Route slope  = Flat
4 = Route obstructions  = Large branches or tree trunks/thick vegetation
1 = Cache height  = 2ft to 3ft above ground (60cm to 1m)


[EN]The way to the event location is a normal field track, not really flat, earth surface.

The event location is full of vegetation, many thorns, in summer times many stinging nettles. There's an old damaged fence, small (hidden) holes and gaps at the ground and the very final location is a bit like a Lost Place. But if you managed the ground, small/narrow passages and plants before you can reach the cache from outside.

In my personal opinion there is really no chance for a regular wheel chair. Some going people have problems with this terrain.


[DE]Der Weg zum Event-Raum ist ein normaler Feldweg, nicht sehr eben, erdiger Untergrund.

Der Eventraum selbst besteht aus einer dichten Vegetation, teils mit Dornen, im Sommer viele Brennnesseln. Zustätzlich ist ein alter kaputter Zaun, sowie zahlreiche (versteckte) Löcher im Boden. Das eigentliche Finale ist ein wenig wie ein Lost Place, aber wenn die vorhergehenden Bodenprobleme, Pflanzen und Engstellen überwunden werden konnten, ist der Cache von außerhalb gut zu erreichen.

Meiner persönlichen Meinung nach gibt es absolut keine Chance für normale Rollstühle. Sogar gehende Menschen haben Probleme mit diesem Terrain.

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